Food Safety Training

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Responsibilities of The First Aider

Responsibilities of The First Aider

Arrival at the scene
Dealing with casualties
Contacting the emergency services
Priorities of the First Aid treatment
Clearing-up process.

Casualty Communication

Make and keep eye contact
Always Tell the truth
Use understandable language
Be careful of what you say
Be aware of body language
Speak slowly, clearly and distinctly
Allow time for casualty to answer.

Considerations when dealing with the following casualties.
The elderly
Non-English speaking
The hearing impaired
The visually impaired.

Prioritising Treatment (Triage)

When treating a casualty always try to remain calm & confident. Deal with any conditions in the following order:
Breathing (Is the casualty breathing normally? Be prepared to resuscitate)
Serious bleeding/burns (treat any large wounds, burns or scalds)
Bone/soft tissue injury (immobilise any bone or joint injuries)
Other needs (treat appropriately – this could include contacting family etc)

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